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Reduce costs and complexity with Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience

Ben Murden

November 11th, 2021

Microsoft announces updates to its Cloud Solution Provider (CSP), introducing the New Commerce Experience (NCE) to meet the needs of every organisation when purchasing Microsoft solutions online.

Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE) will introduce seat-based cloud offers for online licences for Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and Windows 365 from January 2022, making purchasing simpler and more cost-effective.

Microsoft CSP: what’s changing?

One-month subscriptions 

NCE will allow customers to continue with one-month subscriptions, but you will now be able to cancel at the end of any month with no further payment obligation, offering flexibility for organisations that need it.

12-month subscriptions

Customers opting for a 12-month subscription will have the option to either pay monthly or upfront – a 72-hour cancellation policy will be observed once the order is placed – and increase licences as required. However, you won’t be able to reduce seats during your subscription term.

You will also benefit from a fixed price throughout the subscription term, offering you additional cost savings protection against price increases.

New 36-month subscriptions (available from Jan 2022)

Customers can now choose a long-term subscription with NCE with the option to pay monthly, upfront, or annually to secure cost savings for up to three years.

The same 72-hour cancellation policy, and seat increase and reduction terms will be in place for the new 36-month subscriptions.

Customers will also have the option to combine one-month, 12-month, and 36-month subscriptions.

There will also be upgrades available with NCE seat-based offers. For example, customers who have purchased 200 x O365 E1 on a 12-month subscription, will the option four-months in to upgrade all or some to O365 E3 for the remaining eight-months.

When will NCE for seat-based offers be fully available? 

General availability for NCE is January 2022. You can find out more about ordering and any discounts you may be entitled to by contacting us.

Is NCE available for all sectors from Jan 2022? 

Microsoft have only released this for corporate and government customers currently. Not for profit and education pricing will follow shortly. Contact your Phoenix account manager to request an update once more information becomes available.

For more information or to speak to one of our Microsoft specialists, please contact us.