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Health and Safety Policy

Our employees are of paramount importance. The health and safety of our workforce demands the same degree of attention and emphasis as that placed on our mainstream activity which encompasses quality, competence, efficiency, environmental and financial awareness. We also take into account our responsibilities for the health and safety of others who may be affected by our activities.

It is our aim to maintain a working environment which is free of work-related accidents and ill health. We take reasonable, practicable precautions to ensure the health, safety, and welfare at work of our employees by:

  • Identifying hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventive and protective measures
  • Providing safe systems of work
  • Recruiting and appointing personnel who have the skills, abilities, and competence appropriate with the role and level of responsibility
  • Providing adequate instruction, information, support, training, and supervision
  • Providing effective facilities for the treatment of injuries that may occur at work. Ensuring that there are fully qualified First Aiders on site
  • Maintaining effective fire prevention and fire control procedures which include the training of Fire Wardens and fully maintained safety equipment
  • Providing adequate facilities for discussion between management and their team members on health and safety issues including mental health

The Company expects all employees to co-operate in implementing this policy, to comply with the relevant sections of the “Health & Safety at Work Act” and to exercise all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts as stated in Section 7 of the HSWA 1974.

Organisation & Responsibilities

Senior Management

The overall responsibility for health and safety within Phoenix Software Ltd lies with the Managing Director. Phoenix Software Ltd invests in training our Health & Safety Officers to NEBOSH standard.

On a regular basis the appointed Safety Representatives, will monitor all aspects of the Company’s Health & Safety Policy. The Board will be made aware of any shortcomings and ensure that resources are allocated to rectify any deficiencies.

Safety Officers

The Safety Officers hold the following responsibilities:

  • Maintaining all safety records, accident books, investigation of accidents, etc.
  • Ensuring that all Health and Safety Legislation is enforced
  • Ensuring that notices, signs, fire extinguishers, First Aid boxes are maintained, fire exits are clearly marked and clear of obstructions. Ensuring all (but particularly new) employees, contractors, visitors/delegates, and any other people working in the building are aware of their location
  • Ensuring all (but particularly new) employees, contractors and other people working in the building are aware of the General Policy Statement, Codes of Practice, administration arrangements, organisation, and responsibilities
  • Being aware of anything that may be a hazard, e.g. trailing wires, poor lifting methods, loose flooring, etc. and arrange rectification

All Employees

All employees have a responsibility for themselves and their colleagues, contractors, and other people in the building. Each employee is expected to follow all safety procedures and to report any accidents or incidents no matter how trivial, that have or could have caused injury. They are also required to report any hazards. Safety must never be compromised, and all concerns should be brought to the attention of a Safety Officer.

The Code of Practice must be complied with at all times.

Administrative Arrangements


The first priority if an accident occurs is to ensure the safety of the injured person by obtaining assistance from an appointed First Aider. It is imperative that personal safety or that of anyone else in the area is not jeopardised.

Do not attempt to move the injured person unless they are in immediate danger where they are located. Be aware of putting yourself in danger, exercising extreme caution if electrocution has been the cause of the accident.

Call 999 for an ambulance if necessary or if you are in any doubt.

The next priority is to ensure that there can be no recurrence of the accident.

Report the accident to a Safety Officer.

Enter all details of the accident in the Incident Book and then ensure the form is handed to the HR Department for secure filing in-line with GDPR.

Any incident that could have resulted in injury but did not (a near miss) should also be reported to a Safety Officer.

First Aid

The First Aiders are listed on the site maps placed around the offices. All accidents, injuries and incidents sustained at work, no matter how minor, should be recorded in the Incident Book. It is the responsibility of each employee to report any accident to the Safety Officers or their Team Leader/Manager, no matter how trivial any injury might seem.

The First Aid Kits and Incident Books are located within easy access of the current First Aiders and are monitored by the Safety Officers.

The company may insist on seeking professional medical attention in the case of an accident. Please co-operate if required to attend hospital or a doctor’s surgery.

Last revised: 29 July 2024